
The Print-Digital Council of the Slovak Republic is the executive body of the Association for the Protection of journalistic ethics (APJE) in the field of ethical self-regulation of journalists. The Print-Digital Council adresses complaints about the possible violation of journalistic ethics, as well as motions concerning restraining the journalists’ access to information.

The foundation contract of the Association for the Protection of journalistic ethics in the Slovak republic was signed on October 2, 2001 by representatives of the Slovak Syndicate of Journalists and Slovak Press Publishers’ Association. Aware of the challenges presented by online reporting and its increasing influence, the original founders of the APJE (publishers and journalists) have invited the top Internet association IAB Slovakia to join their ranks and to add more digital dimension. The Association for the Protection of journalistic ethics is led by an assembly of representatives, in which each of the member organisations has three members. The leaders of the organisations regularly take turns heading APJE.

The Print-Digital Council (previously Press Council) was constituted in April 2002 and consists of nine members – in accordance with the approved STATUTE – figures of the public, cultural and social life that are not actively working as journalists or publishers and do not represent any political party.

In years 2002-2008, painter Miroslav Cipár served as the chairman of the Council. Between 2008 and 2011, the Council was chaired by JUDr. Zuzana Ďurišová and underchaired by Július Lörincz, who became the chairman in 2012. In year 2015 – more specifically from 1. 7. 2015 to 7. 11. 2015 – the Council was chaired by PhDr. Michal Arpáš. As of May 23rd, 2016 the new chairman of the Print-Digital Council of the Slovak Republic became Július Lörincz who headed PDC  till December 12th, 2017. From October 18th, 2018 is the new chairwoman of the Council Mgr. Alena Pániková.

Since its formation, the Print-Digital Council follows the Code of Journalistic Ethics.

The Code of Journalistic Ethics Optional Protocol Rules of Procedure

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